The magic of mornings
Soft birdsong, the whoosh of a barista frothing milk, the bending of sleep-weary limbs into neoprene wetsuits
Calls of ‘G’day’, a sun burnishing the horizon, the kookaburras chorus
Quietly suppressed shrieks upon entering the water, saltwater creeping further up thighs, permeating the second skin
Freshly ground coffee, a Lycra-clad jogger, dogs nose-to-nose and tails a-wag
Watercraft carried under arms - surfboards, paddle boards, surf ski, canoe
The toss of a towel, goggles set in place, the thwack of a swim cap
The stroke of a paddle through the water, silhouettes on the line-up, jellyfish dancing on the surface
Gym class and a juice, oat milk cap and a banana bread
Sea foam, sea haze, soft light and a big set
Namaste towards the rising sun, a mindful moment in a gentle breeze, hands gently folded in a lap
A new day